'Synthese isn't
meant for the masses'

On the contrary, Synthese clearly focuses on the individual
audiophile, who simply enjoys life. Someone who has clear ideas, who definitely
doesn't like compromises.
In one word, a strong personality, looking for the best things in life, who makes
well-balanced choices and who's heading for one goal: perfect music reproduction.
Synthese's unique and remarkable design provides an answer to
these emotions and is not only aesthetic but also very funcional.
The typical pivoting middle-columm, that contains the
speakers is freely suspended in a way that is acoustically separated from the subwoofer.
The highly sophisticated materials and the use of masses in the middle-columm also
result in and acoustical disconnection of the tweeter, the midrange and the woofer.
As a consequence, intermodulation distortion is in-existing
and an exceptional clear reproduction of all frequencies is the result.
Cabinet reflections have been avoided by the carefully
rounded shape of the middle-columm, resulting in a unique, clear spatial image.
Related information:
- Click here to see the technical
- Read about the NEW Synthese Two: click here.
